Men's Pants Closeout USA

44878 - Men's Pants Closeout USA
44878 - Men's Pants Closeout USA
44878 - Men's Pants Closeout USA
44878 - Men's Pants Closeout USA

Men's Pants Closeout USA

Item number: 44878

Men's Pants Closeout
Total: 15 240 pcs.
Price take all: 3.55$ pair

13 800 pairs Ivory
1 440 pairs Natural

575 cases of 2 doz per case (13 800 units) of style# MLP2400IV in Ivory color.
60 cases of 2 doz per case (1 440 units) of style# MLP2400NA in Natural color.
Total of approximately 10 pallets

Price: 3.55 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.